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4 Effective Ways to Make Money on Pinterest in 2020

Pinterest is a social networking site like no other. The common mistake people make is they think that Pinterest’s users are all women. Sure, Pinterest is the one social network that has more female users, but that isn’t a bad thing.

Pinterest is a great free source of high-quality traffic, and it’s your job as a marketer to be able to tap into it. If you can get even a tiny fraction of a percent of the traffic Pinterest has, then you’re sure to make a decent living. Here we’re going to give you four unique ideas on how you can turn Pinterest traffic into cash.

4. Pin Directly to Affiliate Offers

pinterest affiliate marketing

Pinterest is one of the few social networking sites that allow you to send traffic directly to an affiliate offer. Are you going to have stellar results sending traffic directly to an affiliate offer? No. Your conversions will suck, but you will make money.

You see, sometimes, you have to accept low conversions. Your conversion rate will significantly depend on what you’re promoting. But, generally, you won’t see sky-high conversions when promoting affiliate links on Pinterest.

That’s okay, though, if you think about how minimal the amount of work it is to produce pinboards with affiliate links on them.

You don’t want to spam Pinterest with anything, but your affiliate offers. The best practice is to set up boards that people will find useful. You pin a variety of content on these boards that your followers will enjoy consuming. If you scatter your affiliate links on these boards, then it will work better.

So, have a board about BBQ and fill it with pins about recipes, grilling techniques, and throw in a few affiliate offers. Sprinkle the affiliate offers as if they were salt, and everything will work out exactly as you want them to.

3. Create a Blog and Drive Traffic to It


The best use of Pinterest traffic is to drive it to a blog. Every blog post that you create can have a unique pin on one of your boards. The hope is that some of your followers will repin your pin and make it go viral. You’ll need to have plenty of followers to make that happen.

You must understand that your pins are there forever, and a pin doesn’t need to go viral or catch on right away. Pinterest isn’t like Twitter, where a post has a very short lifespan. Your pins will be there forever, and months down the line, they will continue to get attention from your followers and people who stumble upon them.

Pinterest is an excellent resource for those who want to build up a long term following to their blog. If you’re the type who likes to do drive-by marketing, then Pinterest isn’t the place for you.

If you’re searching for sustained growth over a long period, then you need to invest a little of your time into Pinterest. It takes a while to gain moments at Pinterest, but it’s possible if you have enough followers.

If you post high-quality content, it will eventually get noticed. Be patient, allow the people to come to you, and keep your focus on trying your best to satisfy the needs of your followers, and everything will work out the way you want them to.

2. Sell Pins and Repins


Selling pins and repins is a difficult way to make money on Pinterest. You will have to continually be on the lookout for customers to buy from you. A large portion of your day will be spent searching for customers and hoping that they pay you.

Yes, some of your customers will try to rip you off and not pay you. The good news is, the vast majority of people who you do business with will be honest and not have any problems paying you.

For whatever reason, there are also those people who will beg you day and night for free pins. Those people would rather beg others than work hard to build up their own Pinterest account to make money off of.

There is no set price on how much you should charge for a pin or repin. Ask people in your niche who sell pins how much they charge. The amount of money you can make will depend on how many followers you have and how much they interact with your content.

People who have accounts with a lot of bots that don’t interact with their content aren’t going to be able to charge much if anything for pins. Never do anything to inflate your follower account like buy fake followers since it will harm your engagement rate.

People who buy pins from you will probably want a screenshot of your engagement rate to see what they should expect before making a purchase.

1. Make Products and Sell Them Directly to Your Followers

The products you make could be info products or something that you have made for you in China. Infoproducts are super-hot right now because they have a high-profit margin. You produce the product one time, and there’s no other cost associated with it.


The sky is the limit when you’re promoting informational products. There’s also nothing wrong with having factories overseas make products for you, and you sell them using your Pinterest account. The best practice when selling your own products is to link to a page with content on it and send the visitor there first.

Some people do find success by promoting their Amazon FBA products on Pinterest. If you go that route, then it is possible to send traffic directly to your product at Amazon. However, you probably still should create a blog or another form of content and send your followers there.

YouTube videos are a great place to send visitors since they will get to learn about your product before being sent to it. Also, you’ll receive a bump in YouTube’s algorithm and receive extra organic traffic if your Pinterest followers watch your videos.

It’s All About Meeting the Needs of Your Followers

You’ve got to meet the needs of your followers. If you can achieve this lofty goal, then almost anything is possible with Pinterest. It’s not inconceivable that you could make a decent living by learning how to use Pinterest. Learn how to get followers, what followers want, and how to deliver what they want, and you’re sure to make money.


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