3. You’ll Perform Better and Earn More Money at Your Job If You’re Healthy
How many days per year do you miss from work due to being sick? You can reduce the numbers of sick days by taking better care of yourself. The minute you begin to feel sick is when you should call the doctor.
If you don’t have health 2insurance, you’re going to put off calling the doctor. Why? You might not have the money to visit your doctor.
You see, if you have health insurance, then that’s not a problem. You may have to pay a copay, but it will be much less than what it costs to see a doctor without health insurance.
The next time you’re at work, take a look at the people around you. Do they take good care of their health? You’ll notice right away the people who don’t take good care of themselves don’t perform as well as they should.
You can’t perform at your highest level if you’re feeling under the weather. Anything short of being in tip-top shape will result in you underperforming at your job.
The person who gets the raise or promotion is the person who goes above and beyond everyone else in terms of work performance. Performing at such a high level is only possible if you’re healthy.